Friday, August 2, 2013

Internet OBSESSED part 2... social media eeek

Touchy topic I guess, and I had never really thought about it from a student point of view - because I had the little ones - but with 5th graders I'm just going to go ahead and assume that they are online and if they aren't - their parents probably are. I of course, am ALLLL OVER THE INTERNET, seriously obsessed. My Instagram account is private and lucky for me, my maiden name comes in handy on Facebook and even Twitter - I haven't had a friend request from a student or parent just yet.

BUT I have been reading up on this quite a bit and I knew that I wanted to integrate SOME type of social media magic into my class this year - I'm cool, I'm hip ;)

Separate accounts is fine and dandy until you forget which one you posted on or even dealing with the hassle of signing in and out each time grrr.

Lucky for me Twitter AMAZINGLY allows me to sign in to more than one account on my phone!!! AND they have a super easy widget creator that allowed me to post my tweets directly onto our classroom website [ SETTINGS then WIDGETS, you just have to copy the HTML code and paste in onto your site ]  - that along with how easy it is to create/discover/follow using hashtags and we are all set!

Originally I had created a widget for my twitter feed (the pic you see below) but I just went back and realized you can create the widget for a specific hashtag. Oh man Twitter. Impressive.

I'm going to use the very specific #TodayinRoom28 so now anytime a student or parent tweets and includes our hashtag it'll show up on our website! Happy Dance!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Why not use your social media profiles in communicating with your student's parents? It's very helpful, especially when you want to talk about their academic performance. It'll be easier for you to monitor why your student is absent or why he's not participating well in class. When you're offering tutorials, these sites can also promote your services.
