Friday, May 17, 2013

Field Trip Madness!

THANK YOU MRS.CERVANTES!!! My master teacher during my last semester as a student teacher numbered her students, they used their numbers for EVERYTHING but mostly they always always always line up in number order. If it is one thing that has saved me countless headaches this year it was lining up in number order - not once did I ever hear "SHE'S CUTTING!!!!" 

But no day has it ever been more important to have my kids in number order than today.... field trip day. I am so paranoid that one of my students will go missing that I literally track them in my head all day, looking for them in number order - when we are ready to leave, I call them in number order..... number order.... number order. 

Their classroom jobs are assigned.... you guessed it, number order :) 
Everything in number order

And the best part is, I don't have to make new class sets every year - files are re-used, nametags are re-used, book boxes will be re-used. I don't know why no one ever brought this up in our mandatory classroom management class o_o


  1. Do you have a copy of these gloves and baseballs that you used here for your jobs? I would love to use this in my classroom this year! I am doing a sports theme.


  2. I've been looking and I don't have them anymore! But I can make new ones asap :)
